First Quiver (Cupid's Fall)
by Beth C. Greenberg

Published: 2021-01-26T00:0
Paperback : 302 pages
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TV's Once Upon A Time meets The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue in this fun, sexy romp.

Discipline of a mischievous god is no laughing matter, but Cupid just can’t help himself. Immortality is lonely for the 3,375-year-old virgin of Mount Olympus. Love is a game he can only play from ...

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TV's Once Upon A Time meets The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue in this fun, sexy romp.

Discipline of a mischievous god is no laughing matter, but Cupid just can’t help himself. Immortality is lonely for the 3,375-year-old virgin of Mount Olympus. Love is a game he can only play from the sidelines – and one day, he takes that game too far. On a mischievous whim, Cupid sends a love-tipped arrow into the wrong rump—and the gods sentence him to a taste of his own medicine.

Banished from the only home he’s ever known, Cupid plunges to Earth and lands in present-day Tarra, Indiana, where mortals go on about their daily routines, oblivious to the capricious gods stirring the pot from above. Delighted to discover his wings and pubescent pudge have been transformed into a magnificent human body, Cupid swiftly leaves his virginity behind. At first, Cupid’s newfound freedom and sexy Earth-bod feel more like gifts than punishment, but his carnal spree is cut short when he falls passionately in love for the first time in his immortal life, and he understands the full measure of his punishment: he must find the Right Love match for the mortal he desperately loves, and then he must let her go.

Caught between two worlds on a quest to fix Love, Cupid must survive the violent throes of his own coming of age and triumph over the powerful gods conspiring against him. Failure will not be tolerated; success will cost him everything.

First Quiver is an irreverent, contemporary twist on mythology and the struggle between duty and love, a battle as old as the gods themselves.

Content advisory: Explicit sex and strong language

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Chapter 1: THE FALL

It occurred to Cupid as his fingernails slipped off the edge of Mount Olympus that Mother had finally called his bluff. His sandaled feet flipped toward the sky, almost, but not quite entirely, blotting out the grim faces peering down at him. If only he hadn’t seen that tear rolling down Aphrodite’s cheek, perhaps he could have avoided the sting at the back of his own eyes. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

**Questions contain spoilers**
1. At its heart, this is Cupid’s coming of age story. He makes the journey from pampered virgin of Aphrodite’s palace to the mature adult who lets go of the only woman he has ever truly loved. If your book club were the Divine Council judging him on his performance, would you have brought him home or left him on earth for further punishment?
2. Cupid explains to Pan that even a perfect Right Love match is no guarantee of a lasting marriage. “It’s a foundation, but we both know the temptations that can gnaw away at even a divine union.” He goes on to say, “As long as the coupling is reasonable, two people who aren’t each other’s Right Love can make it work over the long haul. Hell, they might even be convinced they’re perfect for each other, and you’d probably agree.” Do you agree with either or both of these statements?
3. Were you able to put yourself into the character of Mia and experience that completely swept-away sensation? How did you feel about her decision to allow Cupid to fix her up with other men? Do you approve of Aphrodite’s choice for Mia’s Worthy?
4. Pan wants to be a good friend to Q. Does he succeed? What impact has Cupid’s fall made (if any) on Pan’s trajectory into the future?
5. What was your interest in mythology before reading the book? Did this book arouse any curiosity about specific characters or stories from classical mythology? What other retellings have you enjoyed—be they fairy tale, mythology, or historical fantasy?
6. The Cupid’s Fall series is a total of four books. What predictions do you have about how the series ends? Do you have any predictions about book 2? What would you like to see happen next to these characters?

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