Sexy Dare (The Sexy Series Book 1)
by Carly Phillips

Published: 2019-10-15
Paperback : 234 pages
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He’s dark and sexy. She’s sweetness and light.

Nightclub owner Jason Dare knows all too well about loss and hardship. Family lies and personal pain define his past and the man he has become. The lesson he learned? Keep his circle small and the people he loves close, and do his ...
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He’s dark and sexy. She’s sweetness and light.

Nightclub owner Jason Dare knows all too well about loss and hardship. Family lies and personal pain define his past and the man he has become. The lesson he learned? Keep his circle small and the people he loves close, and do his damndest to keep tragedy from hurting him again. When he meets Faith Lancaster, he’s immediately smitten. Faith and her Sweet Treats business tempt him to open himself up to all this free spirt has to offer. But from the moment they meet, Jason realizes that Faith comes with danger which threatens the tightly woven family he’s created for himself.

Faith is determined to build a life for herself in New York City, where she can easily get lost in the crowd. Although she puts her candy shop, Sweet Treats, together with love, sugar and a shoe-string budget, she plans to succeed. When it becomes obvious her brother, who is after what little inheritance she possesses, has found her, she panics but she refuses to run away again. It’s time to make a stand.

Jason has spent his life focusing on growing his business and the men he calls his brothers, never letting anyone in. Suddenly there’s someone else he wants to protect and keep safe, forcing him to make a choice; retreat into the safe cocoon of his comfort zone or open his mind and his heart to the woman who’s meant to be his.

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Jason had settled into a chair in the center of the shop, surveying the work going on around him. He’d already left once, returning with sandwiches and sodas for everyone. As the hours passed and he vacillated between returning messages on his phone and talking to the workmen he obviously knew, she grew more confused. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

a.) How would a tragedy like Jason experienced impact your life?
b.) Do you believe in love at first sight?
c.) How far would you go to protect someone you love?

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