The Midnight Call
by Jode Millman

Published: 2019-06-18
Paperback : 460 pages
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Could you ever suspect that your mentor was a cold-blooded killer?

Attorney Jessie Martin couldn’t– at least not until she answers the midnight call.

Late one August night, her mentor/confidante and popular high school teacher Terrence Butterfield calls, admits he’s killed ...

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Could you ever suspect that your mentor was a cold-blooded killer?

Attorney Jessie Martin couldn’t– at least not until she answers the midnight call.

Late one August night, her mentor/confidante and popular high school teacher Terrence Butterfield calls, admits he’s killed someone and pleads for Jessie’s help. Out of loyalty, she rushes to his aid, unaware that she’s risking her love, her career, her life and that of her unborn child.

When the police arrive, her presence raises questions as to her role in the gruesome slaughter of the teenage boy found in Terrence’s basement. Did Terrence call her as a lawyer or a friend? Was she somehow responsible for the murder?

To dismiss the murder charges Terrence betrays Jessie, making her wonder whether he’d been a monster in disguise all along.

To prove her innocence, Jessie must untangle the web of betrayals and the shocking truths behind the homicide. This quest turns out to be the fight of her life.

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Discussion Questions

Jessie is at a crossroads in her life—she’s an up-and-coming associate at a prominent law firm, engaged to be married, and about to become a mother. What motivates her to risk everything to help a friend?

What is the significance of the judgment against Terrence? What was the impact on Terrence, Jessie, The Paige Family and the District Attorney’s Office? What does the court’s decision say about the criminal justice system? Is it a system of rehabilitation or punishment? Which should it be?

The theme of betrayal is woven throughout the novel. What impact did those betrayals have upon Jessie’s life?

How did you interpret the title “The Midnight Call”? What were the midnight calls?

Hal Samuels finds himself torn by the past and the present. What tough decisions does Hal need to make in the course of the story? What do you think of his decisions? The same could be said for Jeremy Kaplan. What do you think of Jeremy’s actions? Are Hal and Jeremy two sides of the same coin?

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