by Brit Lunden

Published: 2018-01-12
Paperback : 146 pages
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Clay Finnes is the sheriff of a small town in Georgia called Bulwark. Recently separated from his wife, all he can think about is what went wrong, and will Jenna ever come back to him. He's troubled by a bothersome reporter trying to build a story from what he thinks is a normal day in ...

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Clay Finnes is the sheriff of a small town in Georgia called Bulwark. Recently separated from his wife, all he can think about is what went wrong, and will Jenna ever come back to him. He's troubled by a bothersome reporter trying to build a story from what he thinks is a normal day in his life. Clay has to admit that the fantastical stories, told by an accident victim as well as unusual sightings of wolves, things are getting a bit strange. A visit to the ominous Gingerbread House makes him realize that his life as he knows it will never be the same.

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“It’s like a primordial soup,” Clay Finnes muttered his hands on his hips.

“A primordial what?” Owen Bishop raised his hangdog face to look at the town sheriff.

“Primordial, ancient, prehistoric... Clay looked at the deputy’s blank face and finished with, “old... really, really old.”

“Oh,” Owen shook his craggy head. His bulbous eyes looked like two hard-boiled eggs; his hair was matted as if was glued to the top of his round head. Owen never passed any of the tests allowing him to advance on the force. He was a deputy when Clay first got a job in Bulwark right out of the army. As the promotions started coming, Clay eventually became his boss. He wondered if it bothered the older man taking direction from someone who trained under him. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Bulwark may be a short novel, but it packs a lot of punch addressing multiple themes. What were some of the themes you picked up on?
2. Bulwark has been compared to Mayberry with a twist of horror. How would you describe the town of Bulwark, Georgia?
3. Why do you think Lunden choose the unlikely name of Bulwark for her fictional town?
4. It feels like Clay is the strongest character. Do you see him firmly rooted in reality or wavering between the magical worlds surrounding him?
5. Dr. Kent and Clay square off like dogs fighting over a bone when we first meet Jenna. What do you suppose that’s about?
6. What was Danna Dalton’s real role in the breakdown of Clay and Jenna’s relationship?
7. When Dolly beats Bavmorda, what is the crux of their differences?
a. Why did Bavmorda reject Dolly and what did Dolly learn about beauty after living with humanity?
8. There are two endings to Bulwark. Does this help or hinder your understanding or enjoyment of the book? Which ending did you like better and why?

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