Stuck in Manistique
by Dennis Cuesta

Published: 2019-04-05
Paperback : 448 pages
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In this humorous and heartfelt novel, two out-of-town strangers cross paths in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Mark is in Manistique because his estranged aunt has died. As he tours her house for the first time, the doorbell rings...Dr. Emily Davis never makes it to her destination. Stranded for ...
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In this humorous and heartfelt novel, two out-of-town strangers cross paths in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Mark is in Manistique because his estranged aunt has died. As he tours her house for the first time, the doorbell rings...Dr. Emily Davis never makes it to her destination. Stranded for the night in Manistique, Emily is directed to a nearby bed-and-breakfast. Without thinking it through, Mark decides to play host for one night, telling Emily that he's merely stepping in temporarily while his aunt is away...Will these two strangers remain in town long enough to discover the connection between them?

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Mark flinched at the ring of the doorbell. He felt more like a burglar than the sole beneficiary of his aunt’s estate. Whoever was at the door, he thought, was there to offer condolences. Or, worse yet, didn’t even know Vivian had died. Not interested in handling either case, he remained in the basement. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Later in the novel, Emily admits that she probably wouldn’t have stayed at the B&B if Mark had been upfront about his aunt’s death. Was Mark wrong for not being completely truthful? For her part, was Emily justified in snooping around the house because she was suspicious of Mark?

2. Emily found medication in George’s room when she went searching for clues the morning he couldn’t be found. Should she have told Mark that George had cognitive issues or do doctors have an obligation to maintain medical confidentiality with non-patients?

3. Consider Mark’s reaction to Dr. Bulcher showing up at the house, and how Mark handled the full revelation when he spoke to Emily about it. What do you think motivated his response to her?

4. Discuss Emily’s internal conflict with Nicholas’s death. Does she deflect or accept too much blame?

5. Consider Emily’s flirtation with suicidal thoughts. She tells Mark, “Not that I would ever do that exactly.” Analyze her thoughts and actions and discuss whether you think her statement is completely credible.

6. Mark was influenced by his mother Margaret’s stories about doctor-suicide. Given all his information, should he have barged into Emily’s room the way he did? What about Emily’s decision to leave the Manistique Victorian? In particular, consider her reaction as it relates to the previous question.

7. Why did Emily decide to go downstate to meet with Dr. Greg Olsen? Discuss her decision not to tell Greg the entire truth about that night. Compare this to Mark’s tendency to withhold information.

8. Emily confesses to Mark that she had turned around and was heading east toward Mackinac when she got into her accident. Would Emily have turned around again, as Mark suggested, or do you think she would have made it to Mackinac if not for the accident?

9. Was fate really cruel to deer, as Mark said to Emily? Point out instances in the novel where fate appears to intervene.

10. Discuss any parallels between Emily and Vivian. What does the text not reveal but might be inferred from their similar (and intertwined) stories?

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