Plum Tea Crazy (A Tea Shop Mystery)
by Laura Childs

Published: 2018-03-06
Hardcover : 336 pages
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“Humor, plenty of action, and a tantalizing array of teas and recipes.”-- Publishers Weekly

“Childs puts sizzle in all her bestselling mysteries.”--St. Paul Pioneer Press

“Charmingly rendered main characters, loving descriptions of Charleston.”--Kirkus Reviews

As tea ...

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“Humor, plenty of action, and a tantalizing array of teas and recipes.”-- Publishers Weekly

“Childs puts sizzle in all her bestselling mysteries.”--St. Paul Pioneer Press

“Charmingly rendered main characters, loving descriptions of Charleston.”--Kirkus Reviews

As tea shop owner Theodosia is viewing Charleston Harbor’s Gaslights and Galleons Parade from the widow’s walk of a nearby mansion, a local banker tumbles over the narrow railing and plunges to his death. But this tragic accident turns sinister when Theodosia discovers that the victim was actually shot with a crossbow. From New York Times bestselling author Laura Childs, Plum Tea Crazy delivers a gripping, realistic murder, a raft of quirky suspects, and a good dose of humor and tea tips. With pacing that moves like a thriller, it’s one of the reasons Book Riot named the Tea Shop Mysteries to their list of “25 of the All Time Best Cozy Mystery Series.”

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“Someone’s fallen!” a woman screamed.

Theodosia spun quickly and peered over the edge of the roof. Off to her right, twirling head over tea kettle, a man hurtled down the sloped, slate roof of Timothy’s house as if he were zipping down a child’s slide.

“Help!” the falling man cried as he flailed and fought for hand holds. His pleading, anguished note pierced the darkness. Pierced Theodosia’s heart as well.

“Dear Lord!” Theodosia cried. She hoped the poor man would find something, anything, to break his fall.

“This is dreadful,” Drayton said with a sharp intake of breath.

They watched helplessly as the man flopped and tumbled, then landed in a deep V that formed one of the eaves in the expansive roof. His arms flew out, beating wildly, as his fingers scrabbled desperately to find something to grasp. But he was moving too fast to completely arrest his fall and immediately catapulted down another few feet, heading for a decorative balcony. The man floundered again, making a grab for a balustrade to halt his terrible descent. His fingers grazed it by a mere inch. Then his body torqued grotesquely as he banged his forehead against the top of a stone window pediment and a thin mist sprayed out in slow motion. Blood. view abbreviated excerpt only...

Discussion Questions

Did the author create a “sense of place” in her descriptions of the terrifying fall from the widow’s walk, the Indigo Tea Shop, and of Charleston?

What is the starting point of the book – the one action that gets the story rolling?

Laura Childs’ Tea Shop Mysteries are classic “cozies,” written in the spirit of Agatha Christie. Why do you think so many women prefer this kinder, gentler type of mystery?

How do you think tea – drinking it and brewing it – plays a role in this book?

Why do you suppose many women want to be entrepreneurs like Theodosia? And why do many women prefer to own a smaller, more manageable business?

Novels are much like three-act plays. There is an opening act, a middle
act, and a concluding act. Where do you think these “break points” occur?

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