
4 reviews

As Bright as Heaven
by Susan Meissner

Published: 2018-02-06
Hardcover : 400 pages
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Recommended to book clubs by 4 of 4 members
From the acclaimed author of A Bridge Across the Ocean and The Last Year of the War comes a new novel set in Philadelphia during the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918, which tells the story of a family reborn through loss and love.

In 1918, Philadelphia was a city teeming with promise. Even as ...
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From the acclaimed author of A Bridge Across the Ocean and The Last Year of the War comes a new novel set in Philadelphia during the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918, which tells the story of a family reborn through loss and love.

In 1918, Philadelphia was a city teeming with promise. Even as its young men went off to fight in the Great War, there were opportunities for a fresh start on its cobblestone streets. Into this bustling town, came Pauline Bright and her husband, filled with hope that they could now give their three daughters--Evelyn, Maggie, and Willa--a chance at a better life.

But just months after they arrive, the Spanish Flu reaches the shores of America. As the pandemic claims more than twelve thousand victims in their adopted city, they find their lives left with a world that looks nothing like the one they knew. But even as they lose loved ones, they take in a baby orphaned by the disease who becomes their single source of hope. Amidst the tragedy and challenges, they learn what they cannot live without--and what they are willing to do about it.

As Bright as Heaven is the compelling story of a mother and her daughters who find themselves in a harsh world not of their making, which will either crush their resolve to survive or purify it.

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Overall rating:
by Wendi L. (see profile) 01/02/24

by Stephanie M. (see profile) 10/06/21

by Sally L. (see profile) 01/07/21

by Maryann K. (see profile) 04/18/20

by Becky T. (see profile) 01/24/19

Couldn’t finish this book. Too much death and not interesting enough to even finish.

  "as bright as heaven"by Carolyn R. (see profile) 08/30/18

read the book review for yourself
I have really liked the other books by this author and this one is no different. Definitely an worthwhile read --- good book!!

by Kathi R. (see profile) 07/05/18

Wonderfully written book about family, love, heartache and life. Great story starting during WWI and the Spanish Flu, and in the city of Phialdelphia and a mention of Quakertown, which are both homes to... (read more)

by Christine B. (see profile) 04/17/18

by Robin H. (see profile) 04/17/18

  "As Bright As Heaven"by Elizabeth P. (see profile) 02/01/18

From a small town in Pennsylvania as a family rolling tobacco leaves for a living to Philadelphia as a family living and working in a funeral home.

The Brights made a big change from th

... (read more)

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