Karma and the Art of Butter Chicken
by Monica Bhide

Published: 2016-09-01
Paperback : 340 pages
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Raised by Buddhist monks in Delhi after his mother's untimely and tragic death, Eshaan sets out on the challenging quest to feed and nourish the hungry so they do not suffer her same fate. His attempts to achieve this monumental goal are constantly thwarted. And when his former girlfriend returns ...
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Raised by Buddhist monks in Delhi after his mother's untimely and tragic death, Eshaan sets out on the challenging quest to feed and nourish the hungry so they do not suffer her same fate. His attempts to achieve this monumental goal are constantly thwarted. And when his former girlfriend returns from Europe with a handsome fiancé in tow, his life becomes even more complicated. A sliver of hope appears in the form of a local TV cooking competition. Winning would offer the solution to all his problems: money for his mission and the chance to impress the girl he loves. But to win this competition, Eshaan first must face a secret that has the potential to destroy his life and his dreams.

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New Delhi, India

Present day

The stakes have never been higher.

The young man sees his name glittering as it flashes on the enormous digital screen outside the television studio. He instinctively moves his hand to his chest to calm his pounding heart. His entire life, he has felt unworthy, incapable, and yet, here he is today.

His dream is unfolding in front of his eyes: a chance at fame, fortune, and an unbelievable opportunity to make a difference, to leave a tiny positive mark in this world.

He smiles as he realizes he may possibly be the only person ever to enter a cooking studio with a monk by his side. Destiny, it seems to him, favors the leaders in the karmic game. He hopes perhaps the monks’ karmic escrow will rub off on him.

But first things first: the TV crew thrusts him into a makeup van, and the monk is sent to the audience seating.

Two hours later, he emerges from the van, his old self discarded like a tree shedding its dying leaves. He stops to look at himself in the mirror. His soft hair is spiked, the short-sleeved red shirt shows off his tattooed arms, and slight makeup accents his sharp jaw. He notices something in his amber eyes he has never seen before. Hope? Fear?

A quick photo shoot follows.

His assistant for the day ushers him onto the set.

The judges fire off the challenge for the day, “Give us the taste that defined your childhood.”

Within seconds, the cooking show contestants rush around like mad scientists trying to create alchemy from ginger, cardamom, and fire.

The young man rushes to create his dish, a simple, spicy soup. The air around him smells of sizzling cumin, roasting chilies, fried garlic, lemony cilantro, and manifesting dreams.

“STOP, NOW! Time is up. Knives down, step back from your stations!” the director screams.

“Are you ready for us to taste?” the judge asks him in a snooty tone.

He hesitates.

The judge is getting impatient.

The young man eyes his soup again, then nods his head.

The judge moves forward and bends down to pick up a spoon.

But just as the judge is about to take a sip, the young man stops him.

He takes the bowl of soup he has just cooked and throws the contents into a large trashcan.

There is a stunned gasp from the audience.

The judge looks angry, befuddled.

Only the monk understands and is proud of the young man. Not many people can speak their truth when so much is at stake.

The young man points to the now bare bowl.

“This is really all I remember about my childhood: constant hunger and empty bowls.”

With that, he removes his apron, tears rolling down his cheeks along with his dreams, and he quietly walks off the set of the show. view abbreviated excerpt only...

Discussion Questions

1. What do you think Eshaan’s biggest strength is? What is his weakness?

2. Throughout the first half of the book, Eshaan is waiting for the mountain to come to him. He waits for donations, does a few catering gigs but then plays Robin Hood and loses the money. What is going on here? Why do you think he is not more active?

3. Eshaan thinks he needs to solve world hunger. What do you think his real motivation is? What is his heart telling him that he isn’t hearing?

4. Did you like Kitt? Is she shallow? Or is she really affected by her mother’s actions?

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