A Religion Called Love
by David Trock

Published: 2016-06-30
Paperback : 270 pages
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Meet Detective Robin Noel, a talented, no-nonsense former cop who must endure the horror of investigating a dear friend's death. Robin is confident that she has solved the case, though a jury's verdict doesn't bring peace. In this psychologically, morally complex mystery, Robin is forced to ...
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Meet Detective Robin Noel, a talented, no-nonsense former cop who must endure the horror of investigating a dear friend's death. Robin is confident that she has solved the case, though a jury's verdict doesn't bring peace. In this psychologically, morally complex mystery, Robin is forced to examine her own abilities and explore the meaning of faith inside the courtroom. As she exposes the lurid secrets inside a small town, she manages to find clarity in her own life.

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Kathryn walked away from the spectacle that Friday afternoon and made little of it. She ended her week in the usual way, on the top step of her cement porch with a cup of green mint chocolate chip ice cream. A roach clip sat in the porcelain ashtray beside her. “Sugar Magnolia” echoed in her thoughts. A crescent moon lit a corner of the sky that evening, and she slept well.

The following day, Kathryn’s body was discovered at home with no sign of forced entry—no evidence of rape or robbery. She was only twenty eight when it happened, a crime that roused the neighborhood from its provincial slumber. Neighbors whispered from behind the yellow police tape that she should have been more careful. A patrol car idled silently at the curb with lights running. Curious onlookers gathered to see what was going on, speculating among themselves about the pretty kindergarten teacher inside. Detectives arrived in short order to ask them what they had seen or heard, and their responses were predictably useless. No less than a dozen different stories belied the fact that nobody knew exactly why Kathryn James was dead or who was responsible.

A Five-block area was scoured for evidence. Detectives went door to door looking for clues. One reclusive neighbor protested for being questioned more than once, but Detective Robin Noel didn’t care; she was accustomed to that kind of response. view abbreviated excerpt only...

Discussion Questions

1) Can a police detective remain objective while investigating the death of a close friend?

2) Should a detective recuse herself from an investigation under such circumstances, or would she actually be more effective?

3) in a public school setting, does a kindergarten teacher's religion matter?

4) what is the meaning of faith inside a courtroom?

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