
1 review

In the Country We Love: My Family Divided
by Diane Guerrero, Michelle Burford

Published: 2016-05-03
Hardcover : 272 pages
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The star of Orange is the New Black and Jane the Virgin presents her personal story of the real plight of undocumented immigrants in this country

Diane Guerrero, the television actress from the megahit Orange is the New Black and Jane the Virgin, was just fourteen years old on the day ...

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The star of Orange is the New Black and Jane the Virgin presents her personal story of the real plight of undocumented immigrants in this country

Diane Guerrero, the television actress from the megahit Orange is the New Black and Jane the Virgin, was just fourteen years old on the day her parents were detained and deported while she was at school. Born in the U.S., Guerrero was able to remain in the country and continue her education, depending on the kindness of family friends who took her in and helped her build a life and a successful acting career for herself, without the support system of her family.

In the Country We Love is a moving, heartbreaking story of one woman's extraordinary resilience in the face of the nightmarish struggles of undocumented residents in this country. There are over 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the US, many of whom have citizen children, whose lives here are just as precarious, and whose stories haven't been told. Written with bestselling author Michelle Burford, this memoir is a tale of personal triumph that also casts a much-needed light on the fears that haunt the daily existence of families likes the author's and on a system that fails them over and over.

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Discussion Questions

Suggested by Members

When you were 14 would you have been able to make the same difficult decisons that Diane did?
Did her parents succeed in getting their daughter a better life by coming illegally to America?
How difficult would it be to live under the radar as she and her family had to do?
by thnxandyc (see profile) 03/17/17

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

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Book Club Recommendations

Familiarity with the author 's tv persona
by thnxandyc (see profile) 03/17/17
Being familiar with the show Orange is the New Black and /or Jane the Virgin would make this more interesting to other book clubs. If you are interested in immigration policies this is a personal account of what it's like to be legal when your parents aren't.

Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "Timely topic"by Judy P. (see profile) 03/17/17

This book was a good choice for today's world as America struggles with its immigration policy. Our group was not familiar with the author's tv shows and some were offended by her prison typ... (read more)

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