
1 review

Shit my History Teacher DID NOT tell me!
by Karl Wiggins

Published: 2014-01-07
Kindle Edition : 226 pages
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If you’re a history or philosophy buff this book should be as irresistible as a kebab to a pisshead

So what’s it all about then? History, that’s what. “Errgghhh boring boring bollocks boring, I had enough of that crap when I was at school. History just went on and on and ...
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If you’re a history or philosophy buff this book should be as irresistible as a kebab to a pisshead

So what’s it all about then? History, that’s what. “Errgghhh boring boring bollocks boring, I had enough of that crap when I was at school. History just went on and on and on and on and on ….. and on and on. Nothing different ever happened.”

Well that’s where you’re wrong, because I’m going to bring it alive. Not all history books, or even books about teaching history, have to be tedious. I’ve looked under every rock, in every nook and cranny. I’ve searched all over the place and dug up some really interesting little titbits. Stuff not a lot of people know.

So stay with me on this one. I’ve chosen to look at past events from the birth of the planet to the birth of Christ. That’s enough for one book, isn’t it? Well, not really, because I’ve gone off track a little bit from time to time, but I do tend to do that so don’t worry about it.

If you’ve got a teenager who’s studying the history of this period, download a copy for them now because it’s all laid out nice and clear. But let me warn you, I have in the past been accused of having an inappropriate sense of humour, so if you want a little bit of a chuckle watching me make fun out of everyone I meet down the years, then this is the book for you - and if your offspring is in their early teens then it probably isn’t the book for them.

As I say, I do tend to stray into the modern day from time to time to bring things into focus, but I promise you this book will surprise you, inform you, keep you interested and put a smile on your face from time to time.

I discuss philosophers and philosophy a lot, including ancient Greek philosophers, Chinese beliefs and philosophy from around the world, but if you think it’s all Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, there’s a lot more here to be discovered. You’ll be surprised, for instance, at the similarities between the Celts and the Native Americans. The Rosicrucians will fascinate you, as will some of the secrets held by Alexander the Great!

”Wiggins approaches his subjects with an eye for the ridiculous ….. before revealing his own thoughts on the matter with the poise and wit of a stand-up comedian delivering a killer punch-line”

“Karl has a knack of engaging the reader in the subject and then as an added bonus, making it funny. Loved reading this book”

“No history teacher ever mentioned such fun stuff like this to me in high school ….. an intellectually stimulating read,”

“Well worth five stars and recommended for anyone who wants a less serious view of life!”

It’s high time we had some history books for adults!

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by Brenda P. (see profile) 12/21/14

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