Final Sentence (A Cookbook Nook Mystery)
by Daryl Wood Gerber

Published: 2013-07-02
Mass Market Paperback : 304 pages
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From Agatha Award winning authorThis is the first in a Cookbook Nook Mystery seriesIn need of a change, Jenna Hart leaves the high-pressure world of advertising to help her aunt Vera open a culinary bookshop and café. Back with her family in Crystal Cove, California, Jenna seems to have ...
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From Agatha Award winning author

This is the first in a Cookbook Nook Mystery series
In need of a change, Jenna Hart leaves the high-pressure world of advertising to help her aunt Vera open a culinary bookshop and café. Back with her family in Crystal Cove, California, Jenna seems to have all the right ingredients for a fresh start--until someone adds a dash of murder.
As a marketing expert, Jenna wants to make sure the grand opening of the Cookbook Nook draws a crowd, and no one is better at getting attention than her old college roommate, celebrity chef Desiree Divine. But when Desiree arrives in quiet Crystal Cove to do a cookbook signing, the diva stirs up more trouble than business...especially when she turns up dead.
Known for stealing husbands and burning bridges, Desiree left behind plenty of suspects--including Jenna. Though the celebrity's life always appeared to be an open book, Jenna will have to read between the lines in order to clear her name, and catch a killer before another body is served cold.
Includes Recipes!

Editorial Review

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“Aunt Vera, stop twirling me,” I yelled.
But she didn’t. She continued to spin me in a circle. My eyes pinballed in my head. My braids whipped my cheeks—right, left, right, left. I didn’t ordinarily wear braids, but cleaning up a shop that closed thirty years ago, over a year before my birth, was almost as dirty a business as having a garage sale. I had dressed for the occasion: cut-offs and tee shirt, so I wasn’t worried about my clothes. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Family is the most important thing in the world to Jenna. How did it affect you to find out about Jenna’s husband and mother passing away in the same month?

2. A theme of the book could be how one moment can change your life forever. How has this twist of fate affected you personally? How did it affect Jenna?

3. How did you feel about how Jenna balanced the new elements of her move, her life, her new career? Are there any aspects of Jenna that don’t ring true?

4. Creating a credible villain is one of the writer’s hardest tasks. Readers want to know the “why”. Did the reasons for the victim’s murder ring true? Was the killer a sympathetic character?

5. Which of the secondary characters was your favorite and why?

6. Cookbooks are a major factor of A Cookbook Nook Mystery series. Did you find the mentions of cookbooks and subsequent descriptions satisfying?

7. Did you know there’s a list of cookbooks mentioned on Daryl’s website under “Fun Stuff”? Which was your favorite cookbook?

8. Will you try the recipes included at the back of the book?

9. As is common in a lot of cozy mysteries nowadays, there is also a romantic element to consider. While investigating the murder, Jenna, trying to move on after the horrific loss of her husband, finds herself attracted to Rhett Baxter. What do you think of the romantic chemistry between Jenna and Rhett? Do they make an interesting couple, one that you would want to read about in future books? Are you intrigued about Rhett while not knowing much about his background…yet?

10. Is there anyone else that you think Jenna should date? What would be her ideal man?

Thanks to each and every one of you for reading
Final Sentence
and finding the time to discuss it.

Next up:

Inherit the Word
Berkley Prime Crime
March 2014

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

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Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "Final Sentence"by Deborah P. (see profile) 10/01/13

A great whodunnit. This book reads smoothly and keeps you guessing to the very end.

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