18 Seconds: A Novel
by George D. Shuman

Published: 2006-03-28
Hardcover : 320 pages
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Investigative consultant Sherry Moore is blind and stunningly beautiful, with the extraordinary ability to "see" the deceased's last eighteen seconds of memory by touching the corpse. At age five, she was found near death on the steps of a city hospital. A head injury had left her without ...
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(Investigative consultant Sherry Moore is blind and stunningly beautiful, with the extraordinary ability to "see" the deceased's last eighteen seconds of memory by touching the corpse. At age five, she was found near death on the steps of a city hospital. A head injury had left her without sight and prevented her from remembering her past. When Sherry discovers she does have sight -- sight that transcends death -- she learns to use her gift to help others solve mysteries that only she can tap into.

Serial killer Earl Sykes was never caught for his vicious murders. Instead, a deadly traffic accident landed him in prison. Now, almost thirty years later, he returns to the seaside town of Wildwood, New Jersey -- and to abducting young female victims from desolate areas of the boardwalk for his gruesome games.

Wildwood police lieutenant Kelly O'Shaughnessy is stymied over the disappearance of young women from the boardwalk -- crimes horrifyingly reminiscent of unsolved cases from the seventies. When an old man's untimely death leads Sherry Moore to Wildwood, O'Shaughnessy's desperation to stem the bloodshed forces her to accept Sherry's help, but not without consequence. As the two women join forces to discover the killer's identity, they unwittingly become the hunted, marching deeper with every step into the monster's lair.

A law enforcement veteran himself, Shuman packs a realistic style and authentic investigative detail into this taut tale filled with pulse-pounding tension that will send readers right to the edge.

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Overall rating:
  "18 Seconds"by Sharon C. (see profile) 03/15/10

I found the blind psychic's ability to "see" a dead person's last memories before dying to be a great twist! I hope to see Sherry in more of Shuman's books.

  "This book contains the good the bad and the ugly. A great ending!"by c p. (see profile) 04/28/08

This was a really good book, the story line was really interesting and it was definitely a page turner, I will most definitely read this series. I do not really feel that it was a very good ... (read more)

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