The Scent of Rain
by Kristin Billerbeck

Published: 2012-08-07
Paperback : 320 pages
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When deprived of her most prized sense, Daphne discovers a life she never expected, right under her nose.  

Daphne Sweeten has left Paris - and a career she loves - in order to marry a man she loves even more. But when he stands her up on their wedding day, Daphne's left reeling. Trained ...

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When deprived of her most prized sense, Daphne discovers a life she never expected, right under her nose.  

Daphne Sweeten has left Paris - and a career she loves - in order to marry a man she loves even more. But when he stands her up on their wedding day, Daphne's left reeling. Trained as a professional "nose" or perfume creator, Daphne soon realizes that her sense of smell has somehow disappeared too.

In the days following she moves to Dayton, Ohio, to take on a job creating fragrances for household products. Without her sense of smell, she must rely on her chemistry skills, and hope her handsome new boss, Jesse Lightner, doesn't notice before she can figure out how to get it back. 

Despite her desire to return to Paris, she can't deny the way Jesse makes her feel. But when Daphne approaches former contacts, she learns her missing ex-fiance has somehow snagged her old job.  

As Daphne and Jesse work on a signature scent for their new line, she feels God at work in her life as never before. And the promise of what is possible is as fresh as the scent of rain.

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Chapter 1
Daphne Sweeten’s knees buckled beneath her, but Sophie,
her maid of honor, kept her from reaching the marble
floor. She straightened and stared into her best friend’s eyes,
which were softened in pity.
“He’s not coming?” Daphne mouthed the words. As she
searched the vast gothic church in front of her, the crowd stared
back. The rows reserved for the groom’s family were empty. “They
knew,” she murmured.
Sophie nodded and pulled the bouquet from Daphne’s
clenched hands. “Let’s go.” Sophie caught hold of her elbow, but
Daphne couldn’t take her eyes off the long aisle that she wouldn’t
be walking down. “Daphne, come on.”
She should be fleeing in humiliation. All those faces, familiar
and foreign, had her in their scope. But something kept her
there. Her feet remained firmly planted as she registered the
peppery scent of freesias and the slightly musty smell of the
rental runway carpet. She turned to Sophie, ringed by the rest
of her bridesmaids.
... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Daphne gives up her dream job for love, only to find out it wasn’t really love at all. Have you ever given up something for someone else? What did you learn from your sacrifice?
2. Daphne wanted all things perfect, but ultimately learned that the image of perfection is only that: an image. Have you ever lived part of your life like that? Where you kept your desires hidden rather than look selfish? How did it turn out?
3. Daphne’s best friend doesn’t like her fiancé Mark from the very start of their relationship. Has your friend ever disliked someone you dated? Did you regret not listening or did your friend come around?
4. Our sense of smell truly is our strongest memory inducer. What scent makes you think of a memory? Is it a good memory?
5. Kensie comes off as a villain—until you see where she came from. Have you ever disliked someone, only to discover in understanding their plight, you saw their true colors?
6. The fact that Jesse’s lost his wife and the mother of his young child is so unfair. Have you ever wrestled with God about the unfairness of life? What did you ultimately learn from the experience?
7. Daphne’s prized scent, which she thinks is the pinnacle of her creations, ultimately becomes a dog shampoo. She’s excited about that, as it was created for her “dog” of an ex, but have you ever thought someone was the best you could do, only to find out God had more in store for you?
8. Daphne comes to love Ohio and the people in it, and Paris and her dream job become less attractive. What’s your favorite place and why?

--From the publisher

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Note from Kristin:

"The Scent of Rain" came to me after reading a series of articles on the big business of fragrance and biographies of professional "noses." It's truly a job that combines both science and art and I found that fascinating. Of course, I wondered if you've done all that schooling to be a "nose" and it doesn't work out, then what? Many perfumers create on "feeling" and passion and I wondered if that passion were aimed elsewhere, would it get in the way of the job? Like writing, the creator's passion may or may not resonate with its consumer, so I saw a lot of similarities in the job. The consumer decides what will be a best-seller, but the author and the perfumer get all the credit. What I hope that people take away from the book is that our calling is such a mixture of fate and planning and I believe the secret of joy is to find contentment in the places God puts us. We all want to strive for what's in our hearts, but there is peace along the way if we are content on the journey.

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