13 Billion to One: Winning the $50 Million Lottery Has Its Price
by Rush Randy

Published: 2020-06-24T00:0
Hardcover : 290 pages
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As a welfare kid who grew up in the streets, Randy Rush had to fight for everything he got and knew what it was like to struggle. So, when he was suddenly handed $50 million in tax-free money, he vowed to use his new-found wealth to help others. But what he didn't see coming was Jeremy ...
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As a welfare kid who grew up in the streets, Randy Rush had to fight for everything he got and knew what it was like to struggle. So, when he was suddenly handed $50 million in tax-free money, he vowed to use his new-found wealth to help others. But what he didn't see coming was Jeremy Crawford.

In his gripping, adrenaline-packed memoir, Rush takes readers on his rocket-fueled journey after a trip to the corner grocer to buy food for his beloved cat, Conway Kitty, leads to the discovery that he has won Canada's $50 million Lotto Max jackpot.

Soaring on a seemingly endless endorphin high, Rush spends the months following his wintraveling, feeding his passion for rare sports cars, considering charitable causes, and splurgingon friends - paying off their debts and even giving them a free place to stay in million-dollar homes. But his world comes crashing down when he discovers that Dave Crawford, a man he loved like an older brother and had generously provided for, has served him up to his con artist son, Jeremy - who scams Rush out of nearly $5 million. Reeling from Dave's betrayal and fueled by the discovery that the Crawfords are serial con artists who have devastated the lives of more than a hundred others, Rush embarks on a mission to take his adversaries down. But as his quest for justice drags on, his festering rage reaches a boiling point and he is faced with a choice: Let the Crawford's cons destroy him, or re-focus his attention on doing good in the world and enjoying the enormous gift he has been given.

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Discussion Questions

1. What was it like to win the lottery? What was the first thing you did?
2. Although you initially helped friends with bills or gifts, you had planned not to make any big decisions for a while. Why did you change your mind?
3. What made you suspect that something was wrong with the company in which you had invested?

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