The Cost of Honor (Black Ops Confidential)
by Diana Muñoz Stewart

Published: 2019-11-26
Mass Market Paperback : 352 pages
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He gave up everything to escape his family

The only male to be adopted into the notorious Parish family, Tony Parish always did right by his vigilante sisters. But when an attempt to protect one of them went horribly wrong, he had to fake his own death to escape his fanatical family. Tony ...

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He gave up everything to escape his family

The only male to be adopted into the notorious Parish family, Tony Parish always did right by his vigilante sisters. But when an attempt to protect one of them went horribly wrong, he had to fake his own death to escape his fanatical family. Tony set sail and ended up in Dominica?face to face with the woman of his dreams...

Now he must give up Honor to save her

After the death of her mother, Honor Silva moved to Dominica, where her family could help her heal and move on. But her activist mother left her more than money, she left her proof that could take down one of the richest and most powerful men in the world.

Tony gave up everything he thought he knew when he fled his family. But when a threat too dangerous for Tony and Honor to fight on their own closes in, he has no choice but to go to them for help. Problem is, they'll demand something in return?something that could cost Tony not just Honor, but also the love that changed him forever.

Black Ops Confidential Series:
I Am Justice (Book 1)
The Price of Grace (Book 2)
The Cost of Honor (Book 3)

Readers are raving about the Black Ops Confidential series:
"A high-octane...satisfying roller-coaster ride. Stewart's talent shines."?Publishers Weekly for The Price of Grace
"Electrifying, edgy, and sexy!"?JULIE ANN WALKER, New York Times bestseller, for I Am Justice
"Witty, dangerous, fun, and smoking hot."?CINDY DEES, New York Times bestseller, for I Am Justice

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Discussion Questions

The Black Ops Confidential upends traditional power dynamics in that the vigilante organization, The League of Warrior Women, is run by a wealthy businesswoman named, Mukta Parish. In this world, few men are allowed entry, so that Tony is an outsider and is often dismissed or ignored. How well did this role reversal works for you?

Because of the way the story was structured, the romance in this book moved quickly. Did this speed make the romance less satisfying or did it sweep you up in its intensity?

There’s a debate throughout the series as to whether the Parish family and the League should stay predominantly female or should accept more male members. Although this question is answered in The Cost of Honor, how did you feel about the family adding more men?

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