The Last Chance Matinee (The Hudson Sisters Series)
by Mariah Stewart

Published: 2017-03-21
Paperback : 432 pages
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When Hollywood agent Fritz Hudson passes away suddenly, two families who never knew the other existed get a big shock. Allie and Des Hudson were born to Fritz and his first wife, Honora. As that marriage unraveled, Fritz fell in love with Susa, and a daughter, Cara, was born. Somehow, ...
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When Hollywood agent Fritz Hudson passes away suddenly, two families who never knew the other existed get a big shock. Allie and Des Hudson were born to Fritz and his first wife, Honora. As that marriage unraveled, Fritz fell in love with Susa, and a daughter, Cara, was born. Somehow, Fritz never got around to coming clean to either family about the other.

With Fritz gone, his three unsuspecting daughters are brought together for the reading of his will. A large inheritance will be theirs if they comply with the terms of their father’s will: move to Fritz’s family home in Pennsylvania’s Pocono mountains, and work together to restore a run-down Art Deco theater built by their great-grandfather. Can they put their differences aside and rise to the challenge, and in the end, become at the very least, friends, if not sisters?

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“Your father left a large estate. The sum you’re each going to inherit will be significant. Assuming that you meet the rest of the conditions.”
“What conditions?” Cara asked warily.
Now came the hard part. Pete cleared his throat again, and launched into the part of the disclosure that he’d rehearsed over and over.
“Your father loved all of you very much. I know he didn’t always go out of his way to show it.” He directed these remarks to Allie and Des.
“That’s an understatement,” grumbled Allie. “If you call an occasional phone call proof of how much he loved us.” She tossed a dagger at Cara. “Of course, now we know why he was so preoccupied.” ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. How do you think you’d react if you discovered one of your (deceased) parents had a secret family?

2. How would such a discovery affect your memories of that parent?

3. How accepting would you be of your half-siblings? How willing would you be to get to know your half-siblings under such circumstances?

4. Discuss the different ways Allie and Cara are handling the aftermaths of their divorces.

5. Why do you think Des has never had a deeply serious love relationship?

6. Barney is beloved by just about everyone in Hidden Falls. What do you think is her most outstanding trait?

7. There seems to be some mystery surrounding the death of Gil Wheeler. What do you think might have caused him to fall from the rock into the falls?

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