Sandpiper Cove: A Hope Harbor Novel
by Irene Hannon

Published: 2017-04-04
Paperback : 0 pages
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Hope Harbor police chief Lexie Graham has plenty on her plate raising her son alone and dealing with a crime in her coastal Oregon hometown. She has zero time for extracurricular activities--including romance. Ex-con Adam Stone isn't looking for love either--but how ironic is it that the ...
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Hope Harbor police chief Lexie Graham has plenty on her plate raising her son alone and dealing with a crime in her coastal Oregon hometown. She has zero time for extracurricular activities--including romance. Ex-con Adam Stone isn't looking for love either--but how ironic is it that the first woman to catch his eye is a police chief?

But when Lexie enlists Adam’s help to keep a local boy from turning to crime, sparks begin to fly. As they work together, it becomes apparent that God may have a different future planned for them than either could imagine.

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Chapter 1

Not again.

Adam Stone slammed the door on his decrepit Kia, expelled a breath, and surveyed the damage.

The rustic, one-room cabin he called home appeared to be untouched this go-round. But it would take some serious sanding to get rid of the profanities spray-painted on the small outbuilding that housed his woodworking shop. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Have you ever, like Adam, felt like your past mistakes were hard to live with? What did you do to work on that?
2. Adam’s character is more than meets the eye in the beginning of the book. Do you know anyone who is like that? Have you ever misjudged someone in that situation? How did they change your perspective?
3. What did you think about Brian’s confession when he admitted he was involved in the vandalism? Have you ever felt alone enough to behave this way? Can you understand his motivation?
4. In chapter 7, Adam and Charley have a chat about Adam’s appearance. Do you think Charley was right when he said “to make certain that the image you present to the world reflects what’s in here”?
5. Do you have hobbies or abilities similar to Adam’s woodworking? Activities that bring you joy?
6. Adam had a disconnect about Lexie at BJ’s wedding because he was seeing her out of her police uniform. Have you ever had an experience like this? Why is it so hard to make sense of people outside their usual context?
7. Adam and Brian also talk about image in chapter 15. Do you think you can create your own image like Adam says? Is there importance to how people look?
8. It was strange to find out that Lucas Fisher, who seemed to have everything going for him, was involved in the vandalism. Why do you think he might have done it?
9. Has anyone ever spread an unfair rumor about you, like someone did about Adam? If so, how did you handle that situation?
10. The town is very supportive of Adam in spite of the rumors being spread, but Adam doesn’t necessarily believe he’s accepted and loved. Why can it sometimes be hard to trust the goodness of others? Do you think it’s because Adam has been let down before?
11. What do you think about Adam’s decision to leave to protect Lexie’s career? Do you think he is doing the right thing or being too hard on himself?
12. Lexie decides to stick by Adam, no matter the consequences. What do you think of that decision? Is she right to put her love for Adam ahead of the life she’s built in Hope Harbor with her mother and son?
13. What do you think of some of the secondary characters like Luis and Charley? How do they help the story?

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