
4 reviews

One Perfect Lie
by Lisa Scottoline

Published: 2017-04-11
Hardcover : 368 pages
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Enthralling and suspenseful, Lisa Scottoline's New York Times bestseller, One Perfect Lie, is an emotional thriller and a suburban crime story that will have readers riveted up to the shocking end, with killer twists and characters you won’t soon forget.

"Scottoline keeps the pace ...

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Enthralling and suspenseful, Lisa Scottoline's New York Times bestseller, One Perfect Lie, is an emotional thriller and a suburban crime story that will have readers riveted up to the shocking end, with killer twists and characters you won’t soon forget.

"Scottoline keeps the pace relentless as she drops a looming threat into the heart of an idyllic suburban community, causing readers to hold their breath in anticipation." –Booklist

"Readers can be assured that the author nails the high school milieu, from athletic rivalries to sexting...they're in for one thrilling ride." –Kirkus Reviews

"Entertaining...This fast-paced read culminates in a daring chase that would play well on the big screen." –Publishers Weekly

On paper, Chris Brennan looks perfect. He's applying for a job as a high school government teacher, he's ready to step in as an assistant baseball coach, and his references are impeccable.

But everything about Chris Brennan is a lie.

Susan Sematov is proud of her son Raz, a high school pitcher so athletically talented that he's being recruited for a full-ride scholarship to a Division I college, with a future in major-league baseball. But Raz’s father died only a few months ago, leaving her son in a vulnerable place where any new father figure might influence him for good, or evil.

Heather Larkin is a struggling single mother who lives for her son Jordan's baseball games. But Jordan is shy, and Heather fears he is being lured down a dark path by one of his teammates, a young man from an affluent family whose fun-loving manner might possibly conceal his violent plans.

Mindy Kostis succumbs to the pressure of being a surgeon's wife by filling her days with social events and too many gin and tonics. But she doesn’t know that her husband and her son, Evan, are keeping secrets from her – secrets that might destroy all of them.

At the center of all of them is Chris Brennan. Why is he there? What does he want? And what is he willing to do to get it?

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Chapter One

Chris Brennan was applying for a teaching job at Central Valley High School, but he was a fraud. His resume was fake, and his identity completely phony. So far he’d fooled the personnel director, the assistant principal, and the chairperson of the Social Studies Department. This morning was his final interview, with the principal, Dr. Wendy McElroy. It was make-or-break. ... view entire excerpt...

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Member Reviews

Overall rating:
by Katie C. (see profile) 03/02/19

  "One Perfect Lie"by Nancy B. (see profile) 04/03/18

That was nearly one perfect story. I had to knock it down one star for a pretty unbelievable feat towards the end of the story, but I thoroughly enjoyed the story regardless.

The story b

... (read more)

  "One Perfect Lie"by Brenda M. (see profile) 07/31/17

This was my first Lisa Scottoline novel; at first, I was discouraged by her long sections of narrative, but it pays off in the end because of her careful character development. After her meticulous development,... (read more)

by LouAnn S. (see profile) 06/24/17

  "one perfect lie"by Carolyn R. (see profile) 06/16/17

On paper, Chris Brennan looks perfect. He's applying for a job as a high school government teacher, he's ready to step in as an assistant baseball coach, and his references are impeccable.

... (read more)

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