In Farleigh Field: A Novel of World War II
by Rhys Bowen

Published: 2017-03-01
Paperback : 396 pages
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“Instantly absorbing, suspenseful, romantic, and stylish—like binge-watching a great British drama on Masterpiece Theater.” —Lee Child, New York Times bestselling author

Winner of the Agatha Award for Best Historical Novel, the Macavity Award for Best Historical Novel, and the Left ...

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“Instantly absorbing, suspenseful, romantic, and stylish—like binge-watching a great British drama on Masterpiece Theater.” —Lee Child, New York Times bestselling author

Winner of the Agatha Award for Best Historical Novel, the Macavity Award for Best Historical Novel, and the Left Coast Crime Award for Best Historical Mystery.

World War II comes to Farleigh Place, the ancestral home of Lord Westerham and his five daughters, when a soldier with a failed parachute falls to his death on the estate. After his uniform and possessions raise suspicions, MI5 operative and family friend Ben Cresswell is covertly tasked with determining if the man is a German spy. The assignment also offers Ben the chance to be near Lord Westerham’s middle daughter, Pamela, whom he furtively loves. But Pamela has her own secret: she has taken a job at Bletchley Park, the British code-breaking facility.

As Ben follows a trail of spies and traitors, which may include another member of Pamela’s family, he discovers that some within the realm have an appalling, history-altering agenda. Can he, with Pamela’s help, stop them before England falls?

Inspired by the events and people of World War II, writer Rhys Bowen crafts a sweeping and riveting saga of class, family, love, and betrayal.

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Chapter 1

Bletchley Park,
May 1941
Lady Pamela Sutton stared at the dreary government-issued posters on the wall of her small cubicle in Hut Three. Some of them cheerful exhortations to do ones’ best, to soldier on, stiff upper lip, and other dire warnings about letting the side down. Beyond the blackout curtains that covered the windows, dawn would be breaking. She could hear the chorus of birds in the woods behind the hut, still chirping madly and joyfully as they had done before the war began and would keep doing after it ended—whenever that would be. It had already gone on too long and there was no end in sight. Pamela rubbed her eyes. It had been a long night and her eyes were stinging with tiredness. According to civil service regulations women were not supposed to work on night shift with men, in case their morals were compromised. She had found this amusing when the shortage of male translators meant that one of the girls had to do night shift work. “Frankly I don’t think my honor is in danger from any of the chaps here,” she had said. “They are more interested in math problems than girls.” ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1.How does the British class system affect the lives of all the characters?
2.The impact of war is different for every character in this book. Discuss.
3.Which Sutton sister do you most identify with? Do you have sympathy for all of them?
4. This book is billed as a thriller? Which is more important to you: the thriller aspect or the recreation of a time and place?
5.Pamela and Ben: do you think there is hope for a future together for them?
6. Your thoughts on Jeremy. Did you suspect him?

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