
2 reviews

Fever Tree: A Novel
by Tim Applegate

Published: 2016-08-02
Paperback : 232 pages
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When a handsome and mysterious stranger arrives in Crooked River, the town is consumed by rumors. Although a deeply private young man, Dieter befriends everyone from deckhands to shopkeepers. On the rebound from a disastrous relationship, the charming but hesitant Maggie Paterson falls in ...
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When a handsome and mysterious stranger arrives in Crooked River, the town is consumed by rumors. Although a deeply private young man, Dieter befriends everyone from deckhands to shopkeepers. On the rebound from a disastrous relationship, the charming but hesitant Maggie Paterson falls in love. 

Teddy Mink, the town’s notorious, paranoid drug lord, convinced that Dieter’s a narc, formulates a plan to silence him. Maggie's recently estranged ex, who moonlights as a drug runner for Teddy, jealously agrees that Dieter must be handled – no matter the cost.
From the moonlit beaches of Quintana Roo to the waterfront docks of Crooked River, Florida, Fever Tree is a beautifully written story that charts the surprising journey of a deeply troubled young man zealously guarding the secrets of his past.  

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Chapter 9

Gene drew a pint of beer from the tap and placed it in front of Dieter.
So what’s the haps, D? Whatcha been up to, man?
Refinishing a rocking chair.
A what?
A rocking chair. For Frank Paterson.
No shit. Over at the antiques store?
That’s the one.
Gene wiped the counter with his bar rag, frowning. As a rule, the Blue Moon’s customers were easy enough to read because drinkers liked to tell bartenders their life stories, no matter how mundane those stories might be. But Dieter was a different breed, the kind of gambler who plays his cards so close to the vest you never get a peek at them. He was invariably pleasant—a genial drinker—but if you pushed too hard, he clammed up. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

• How does the knowledge that Dieter was the one writing the book change your perceptions of the book? Why do you think the author chose him as a narrator?

• Why do you think Dieter ended up in Crooked River?

• Which character did you find the most compelling? The least compelling? Why?

• Were you shocked by the end of the novel (before the epilogue)?

• Is the ending a happy ending? Or the happiest ending possible?

• Did you find it believable that Dieter wanted to score some drugs?

• Will Dieter write another masterpiece?

• What were some of the main themes of the book? How are they handled over the course of the book? What is the take home message?

• If Dieter aggrieved at the beginning and Hunter is aggrieved by the end, is there a shared connection between them and their grief? Do you think Dieter has or will commiserate with Hunter? Do you think they represent a cycle?

Suggested by Members

Who was your favorite character? Why?
Did you sympathize with Colt despite his flaws?
Do you think this novel would make a good movie?
by KJennings (see profile) 11/28/16

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

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Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "Fever Tree will transport you to Crooked River, and you won't want to leave!"by Kerstin J. (see profile) 11/28/16

Author Tim Applegate offers something for everyone in his debut novel. Mystery, love and suspense combined with vivid imagery of past and present. A group of well defined characters are at the center of... (read more)

  "Simply brilliant"by Monica J. (see profile) 08/08/16

Tim Applegate is a beautiful writer. His characters and rich and interesting, his descriptions stunning, and his story-telling ability is incredible for a debut author. I had to get used to the lack of... (read more)

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