Ben-Hur Collector's Edition: A Tale of the Christ
by Carol Wallace

Published: 2016-07-19
Hardcover : 0 pages
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As one of the bestselling stories of all time, Lew Wallace’s Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ has captivated and enthralled millions around the world?both in print and on the big screen. Now Lew’s great-great-granddaughter has taken the old-fashioned prose of this classic novel and ...
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As one of the bestselling stories of all time, Lew Wallace’s Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ has captivated and enthralled millions around the world?both in print and on the big screen. Now Lew’s great-great-granddaughter has taken the old-fashioned prose of this classic novel and breathed new life into it for today’s audience.

Coming to theaters in August 2016 as Ben-Hur, a major motion picture from MGM and Paramount studios, the story follows Judah Ben-Hur, a Jewish nobleman whose childhood friend Messala betrays him. Accused of trying to murder the new Roman governor in Jerusalem, Judah is sentenced to the galley ships and vows to seek revenge against the Romans and Messala. But a chance encounter with a carpenter from Nazareth sets Judah on a different path.

Rediscover the intrigue, romance, and tragedy in this thrilling adventure.

Also included: the inspiring story-behind-the-story of Lew Wallace?Indiana lawyer, author, and Civil War general; and nearly 150 images, including color images from the 2016 motion picture, black-and-white images from earlier films, and other images of historical interest.

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Discussion Questions

1. Upon Messala’s return to Jerusalem, Judah Ben-Hur and his friend find they’ve both grown up and grown apart. Are the differences between them too much to ever overcome? Or could either of them bend to see the other’s point of view? Have you experienced something similar with one of your friends? How would you renew such a relationship?

2. Messala betrays Judah, accusing him of trying to assassinate the new Roman procurator. How might Judah’s story have been different if he’d received a fair shot at justice under the Roman legal system?

3. A carpenter from Nazareth shows Judah a small kindness by offering him a drink of water—a moment that Judah remembers for years afterward. When have you been on the receiving end of someone else’s grace? In what practical ways can you extend kindness to others and pay it forward?

4. After being arrested, Judah’s sister, Tirzah, wrestles with thoughts of suicide. What keeps her from following through with that idea? When all hope seems lost, where do you turn for comfort?

5. Where do you see evidence of God’s hand of protection over Judah during his years as a galley slave? Does it seem right that Judah takes one life and saves another? Why or why not?

6. Balthasar, one of the wise men, has devoted his life to studying the prophecies of the coming Messiah. What convinces him that he has seen the Christ child? How does he misunderstand or misinterpret the new King’s reign? What does he get right?

7. Judah has two potential love interests in Iras and Esther. What draws him to each woman? What warning signs does he ignore?

8. What parallels can you draw between the servants in the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) and Simonides? Why do you think God blessed the Hur family in such a generous way?

9. Why do Simonides and Esther both opt to continue serving Judah despite being offered their freedom? What parallels can you make between their choices and a person’s decision to follow Christ?

10. Judah and Messala face off in a dramatic chariot race. Though Judah may be seeking revenge, do you believe he intends to destroy Messala’s chariot? Why or why not?

11. Messala’s true nature comes through when, after the race, Judah realizes his former friend will never stop coming after him. Why is Messala so consumed with hatred? How can you respond to an enemy or a person like this?

12. Naomi decides it’s better for her son not to know what’s become of her and Tirzah after they’re released from prison. Do you agree with her reasoning? Describe a time when you’ve had to make a difficult decision. Did you let your heart overrule your head or vice versa?

13. Judah harbors a lot of anger toward the Romans—about his unlawful punishment, his family’s fate, etc. At what point do you see his attitude begin to change?

14. Together with Sheik Ilderim, Simonides, and Balthasar, Judah begins building an army for the coming King. While it’s easy to look back now and recognize how futile those actions were, what aspects of preparing for battle can you apply to your spiritual life today?

15. What makes the Ben-Hur story so appealing? Why has it lasted more than 135 years?

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