On A Night Like This (The Callaways)
by Barbara Freethy

Published: 2015-04-06
Paperback : 310 pages
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From #1 NY Times Bestselling Author, Barbara Freethy, comes the first book in a romantic new contemporary series about the Callaways, a family born to serve and protect.

The second oldest of the Callaway clan, Aiden Callaway veered from the family tradition of urban firefighting and ...

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From #1 NY Times Bestselling Author, Barbara Freethy, comes the first book in a romantic new contemporary series about the Callaways, a family born to serve and protect.

The second oldest of the Callaway clan, Aiden Callaway veered from the family tradition of urban firefighting and became a smokejumper, never questioning his choice until the job took the life of his friend, Kyle, and left Aiden with injuries and fractured memories. Everyone blames Aiden for what happened, but he doesn't remember, nor is he sure he wants to remember. The truth may clear Aiden of blame but destroy Kyle's reputation and hurt the people he left behind. ?

Aiden seeks help from an unlikely ally …

Sara had always been untouchable, sweet, innocent, his sister's best friend, and the girl next door. But one reckless night in their youth changed everything. Sara has never forgiven or forgotten the way Aiden brought it crashing down, but she's no longer that girl with the crazy crush. She's a woman in search of her own truth.

The sparks between Aiden and Sara have been smoldering for a very long time. Sara is afraid to take another chance on a man who broke her heart, and Aiden knows better than anyone how dangerous an intense fire can be.

As teenagers they weren't ready for each other. Are they ready now?

ON A NIGHT LIKE THIS is book #1 in the Callaway Series, each story featuring, love, mystery, romance and adventure set in San Francisco.

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Chapter One

As a teenager, seeing her father’s car in the driveway when she came home from school had always made Sara Davidson uneasy. She would steel herself for the evening to come, never quite sure why she felt afraid. Stephen Davidson had never physically abused her, but he had been demanding, and his words cut like a knife. It wasn’t always what he said that was the worst part; it was the rejection in his gaze, and the cold quiet that usually followed his disappointment in her. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1) Sara's relationship with her parents, especially her father, influenced her career choice and much of her life. She never realized that a terrible family secret had played a role in her relationship with her parents. What did you think of the revelation? Did you understand Sara's father better after the reveal? Have you ever wondered if someone in your family is hiding such a secret?

2) Sara and Aiden knew each other as teenagers. While Sara would have liked Aiden to fall for her then, he instinctively knew that he wasn't ready for her. What do you think about teenaged first love? Do you think if Sara and Aiden had gotten together as kids, they would have made their relationship work? Or did they need to grow up first? How old were you when you met the love of your life?

3) Aiden's relationship with his father and his desire to live up to the Callaway tradition to "serve and protect" adds great stress to his life yet those traditions also encourage him to strive harder, reach higher. What do you think about family traditions? Does setting a bar for your children give them a goal to work towards or does it create an environment where achievement and love get tangled up?

4) Aiden's best friend kept a secret from him, something that completely surprises Aiden. He thought he knew his friend as well as he knew himself. Is it possible to ever really know someone? Do we all keep parts of ourselves hidden away, even from the people we love?

5) Aiden is the second of eight siblings in the blended Callaway family. He's the rebel, while his oldest brother is the "perfect child". What role do you think birth order plays in personality and achievement?

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