
1 review

Drifting Into the Unknown
by M.C. Holman

Published: 2014-11-01
Paperback : 240 pages
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Lexie Bennett is about to uncover the secrets hidden within the walls of an old Victorian house she bought. After leaving her abusive husband, Lexie thinks life will be simple. How wrong she is. The old house she bought has hidden secrets. Her new friends are out of this world, and her best ...
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Lexie Bennett is about to uncover the secrets hidden within the walls of an old Victorian house she bought. After leaving her abusive husband, Lexie thinks life will be simple. How wrong she is. The old house she bought has hidden secrets. Her new friends are out of this world, and her best friends' wild sex life becomes a pleasant diversion from her own frigid life. Then she falls for two brothers, on two separate planes of existence, unfamiliar feelings and passions arise. She must choose between the two of them or the choice will be made for her.

Editorial Review

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Tamara leaned in closer. “Since when have you ever known me to send out mixed signals? I have never led a man on in my life, and never knocked a half decent one back either.”

“Yeah, you’re right—you’re not that type of chic.”

Tamara leaned back in her seat. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Lexie thought for a while. “Maybe you need to drop a few subtle hints. He may be gorgeous as you say, but he could also be as thick as a brick. You never know. A guy can’t be blessed with all the good things in life; he’s got to have some flaws.” ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. The main character leaves an abusive husband. Are you interested in helping women in similar situations find the strength to leave?

2. Is the back story of the ghosts in this novel based upon real historical events?

3. With paranormal elements in your book, do you believe in ghosts or have you ever seen one? 4. Tell us about living in Australia and how it relates to this story.

Suggested by Members

Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
What about organ donations? Have you ever thought about it?
What about fate. Do you believe that things happen in life because fate has deemed it to happen?
by mlj1954 (see profile) 04/16/15

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

No notes at this time.

Book Club Recommendations

good to read at halloween
by mlj1954 (see profile) 04/16/15
Have some ghostly spirits, some of the drinks in the book and enjoy!

Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "Once started couldn't put it down!"by Mary Lynn J. (see profile) 04/16/15

Our book club was meeting and I had barely cracked the cover. Once I did, I read the book in one evening. Some of the sex wasn't necessary but the book and story line was interesting and had some great... (read more)

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