by Kimberley Griffiths Little

Published: 2014-11-04
Hardcover : 400 pages
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A sweeping, epic saga of romance and hardship, set against the dramatic backdrop of ancient Mesopotamia—perfect for fans of Cleopatra's Moon or the adult bestseller The Red Tent.

In the unforgiving Mesopotamian desert where Jayden's tribe lives, betrothal celebrations abound, and tonight ...

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A sweeping, epic saga of romance and hardship, set against the dramatic backdrop of ancient Mesopotamia—perfect for fans of Cleopatra's Moon or the adult bestseller The Red Tent.

In the unforgiving Mesopotamian desert where Jayden's tribe lives, betrothal celebrations abound, and tonight it is Jayden's turn to be honored. But while this union with Horeb, the son of her tribe's leader, will bring a life of riches and restore her family's position within the tribe, it will come at the price of Jayden's heart.

Then a shadowy boy from the Southern Lands appears. Handsome and mysterious, Kadesh fills Jayden's heart with a passion she never knew possible. But with Horeb's increasingly violent threats haunting Jayden's every move, she knows she must find a way to escape—or die trying.

With a forbidden romance blossoming in her heart and her family's survival on the line, Jayden must finish the deadly journey to save the ones she loves—and find true love for herself.

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Scene from Chapters 1-2:

Hands and arms squeezed me, happy and envious as their fingers pressed into mine. A giggle came from behind. “I wish my father was a relative of Horeb. It’s just pure chance that of all the girls you will get him for yourself.” ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. If you could choose between living as a nomad in the desert like Jayden, or in the temple like Leila, which place would you choose and why?

2. Jayden had to give up the jewelry that her mother gave her on the night of her betrothal ceremony to Dinah to save her sister, Sahmril. Did you feel that Dinah was justified in asking for something for herself? Why or why not?

3. Jayden belly dances over her mother’s grave, and as a prayer. The women in the temple belly danced for a much different purpose. How do you view belly dancing? Did you learn anything new about this ancient dance from the novel?

4. What character in the book is most like you? Why do you think so?

5. What did you learn that you didn’t know before by reading this novel or what surprised you most?

6. Do you believe that Horeb had a right to kill Kadesh? Why or why not?

7. Why do you suppose Horeb didn’t kill Jayden when he had the chance? What is he saving her for? Why does he need her?

8. How did Jayden change from the girl at the betrothal ceremony in the first chapter to the girl at the end of the book who leaves her life behind and sets out on her own?

9. What experiences contributed to the changes in Jayden? What do you think will happen to Jayden in the future? Do you think Kadesh is alive, and if so, will she find him and live happily ever after? What will become of Horeb, her father, Leila, and Sahmril?

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